Monday, August 29, 2011

Girls and Gaming

I've decided to go ahead and blog at this particular moment because I'm in need of a rant.

I've been a tomboy my entire life (though the outward reflection has gotten more feminine over the recent years) and as a result have usually had more guy friends than girl friends.  This isn't a problem with me as I never really have much in common with girls anyway.  Being somewhat nerdy and dorky as well, I'm usually friends with gamers.  This has never really been a problem.  In fact it hasn't at all.  Until now.

I've noticed over the past two or three years that guys in regards to gaming have gotten (generally speaking) significantly more conceited and arrogant.  What on virtual Earth could have caused this highly aggravating change?  Just because I have a different anatomical makeup does not mean I all of a sudden forgot how to work a controller or keyboard.  I shouldn't have to prove anything at all, for that matter.  Growing up getting respect from this type of gentleman I now find myself being ignored, patronized, and treated like I'm a child or ignorant to the ways of true gaming.

Excuse me, but when did this become a men only affair?  And, better yet, how do I get back in the game? (pun totally intended)

Today's Rant Brought To You By: The inattentive and completely unhelpful male associates at my local Gamestop.

Ranting (Or not?)

I've decided that this will be my place to rant if I choose to blog at all.

So expect rants in the future.  Or not at all?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Brief Introduction to Macon State

Being a junior in a generally freshman level course is a little odd considering I took this class in high school.  But I guess I should explain.

Right out of high school I wanted to go to a smaller school instead of rushing off to Georgia Tech right away and simply transfer when I'd gotten my core classes out of the way.  I wanted the more personal experience first and to get my feet wet.  I chose Macon State.  However, Macon State accepted my high school AP Lit 1 credit but GT won't therefore here I am, retaking this course despite having completed Lit 2 here already with an A.

I suppose there's just a little bit about me to kick-off this whole blogging process (something we didn't do in high school).